99′ Stern Trawler



Boat: Princess Laura Stern Trawler
Owner: Joe Dimaio
Tonnage: Less than 99
Length: 99 Breadth: 28
Depth: 14 6
Engine/Horsepower: 805 HP CAT

This 99 stern trawler is currently fishing in the northeast fishing port of Gloucester, MA. The vessel was designed as a ground fishing boat able to withstand the North Atlantic seas. The structure is designed to meet all American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) rules for Unlimited Ocean Service. The vessel is powered with a CAT-3508 engine and produces 805 horsepower to support a dragging speed of 4 knots and a cruising speed of 11.5 knots. The single nozzle was designed for maximum efficiency and thrust at the lower towing speeds. The vessel meets all current USCG stability criteria including one-compartment damage stability. The accommodations include berthing for seven and a traditional foc’sle arrangement with a mess/lounge and galley area. There is the captain’s stateroom forward of the pilothouse located on the foc’sle deck. The 6,000 cubic foot fish hold supplies more than enough capacity for the vessel’s use.